PHOTO: © Timmo Schreiber

Odyssee oder das Kalypsotief

In the organizer's words:

Troy has fallen. The Mediterranean region is scarred by war. On Mount Olympus, gods who have nothing to do with the reality of people's lives are sipping nectar and deciding their future. Including that of Odysseus, who is being held captive by Calypso on her island. Or perhaps he doesn't want to return home at all? While his wife Penelopeia, surrounded by suitors, begins to lose her mind, his daughter Telemake sets off in search of him and, above all, finds the trauma of war.

The rewriting of the first eight cantos of Homer's epic searches for personal and social responsibility in the complex plight of the protagonists and their misguided paths. In the process, astonishing parallels emerge between the almost 2600-year-old work and contemporary issues. The result is a tragic comedy that raises one question in particular: What are we actually doing here?

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Price information:

24.00 € to 44.00 €, for pupils, students and trainees 9.00 € incl. HVV and checkroom


Ernst Deutsch Theater Friedrich-Schütter-Platz 1 22087 Hamburg