PHOTO: © globale°, 2024

Oxana Matiychuk: Wenn man nur die Kunst des Schreibens gegen das Kriegshandwerk tauschen könnte - Ukrainische Schriftsteller*innen in Zeiten des Krieges

In the organizer's words:

About this lecture

What do writers do when war breaks out in their country? Writers remain true to their craft, they organize fundraising campaigns for the front line or support refugees. Some go to war - like Artem Tschech or Serhij Zhadan. (The title refers to the testimony of the writer Viktoria Zhadan, who was
writer Viktoria Amelina, who was killed in Kramatorsk in June 2023). Oxana Matiychuk talks about writing as a form of existence for Ukrainian authors during the war.

Moderation: Susanne Schattenberg

In cooperation with the Forschungsstelle Osteuropa and EuropaPunktBremen.

This content has been machine translated.


EuropaPunkt Bremen Am Markt 20 28195 Bremen

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