PHOTO: © Patrik Graf

Patrik Graf: Harvest now, decrypt later

In the organizer's words:

Patrik Graf | Harvest now, decrypt later

Opening: Thu | 26.09.2024 | 19:00 h
Date: Fri | 27.09.2024 - Sun | 06.10.2024
Opening hours: Thu - Sun | 17:00 - 20:00
Location: AkademieGalerie | University subway station | Akademiestraße exit

Stolen glaciers, stolen image data from social networks and the internet. Who or what is robbed when and where? Stolen goods on your own skin are transformed into image data on your smartphone screen. The interactive exhibition "Harvest now, decrypt later" plays with the synergy between the environment, technology, people, reality and the virtual world. Who sets rules in this interdependence, when and how? How are these rules communicated and perceived?

This content has been machine translated.


AkademieGalerie München