PHOTO: © King Georg

Paula Irmschler »Alles immer wegen damals«

In the organizer's words:

An event from the Literatur zur Zeit series. Moderator: Britta Tekotte

The dog is here now, now you have to look after him, says mom. Just like the children, they were suddenly there too and you just had to look after them. Her daughter Karla wants to do things differently. So she fled from Leipzig to Cologne and broke off contact with her mother, which is easier than discussing things with Gerda. But now Karla is struggling with her education, fighting with the rent, and her girlfriend could be the next step. Was it a good idea of Karla's siblings to give them a trip to Hamburg together for their birthdays - their 30th and 60th?

Disarmingly honest, full of humor and tenderness, Paula Irmschler tells the story of two very different women who have one thing in common: One gave birth to the other.

"Reading Paula Irmschler is like drinking with your best friend, but without the hangover. Magical." Margarete Stokowski

This content has been machine translated.


King Georg Sudermanstraße 2 50670 Köln

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