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In the organizer's words:

Documentary film by Doris Metz, Germany 2024, 105 min.

Petra Kelly was one of the most important political figures of the 20th century. In 1980, she was instrumental in founding the German Green Party, a pioneering movement that attracted worldwide attention. Her fight was for radical social change, disarmament and a society in harmony with nature. Kelly combined environmental, peace and human rights issues into an inseparable whole. Her life ended tragically at the age of 44 at the hands of her long-time friend and political companion.

Growing up in her mother's and grandmother's America in the 1960s, Kelly was passionately committed to the election of Robert Kennedy and firmly believed that one person could change the world. Inspired by the American civil rights movement and Martin Luther King's concept of "civil disobedience", she campaigned for environmental protection, the ban on uranium mining and the peace movements in East and West. Today, her spiritual legacy is carried on by numerous young climate activists. The issues that moved Kelly are more topical than ever. Close friends and companions provide insights into Kelly's personal and political life for the first time. Previously unpublished international film footage paints a portrait of a sensitive and unwavering woman who let no one stop her.

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