PHOTO: © Ismena Schickert

Pettersson und Findus feiern Geburtstag

In the organizer's words:
after Sven Nordqvist

Findus is bored. He would love to celebrate his birthday again. But they've already celebrated it three times this year. Then Findus remembers that he came to Pettersson in a box. So they could also celebrate Findus's birthday in a box. The chickens are also delighted. Pettersson is persuaded and even promises to make his famous pancake cake. But he can't find the flour. He also can't buy a new one because his bike has a flat tire and the key to the carpenter's shed has disappeared. When they finally have everything they need for the cake, their neighbor Gustavson arrives with bad news. The fox has been spotted again. He wants to get rid of the chicken thief very soon. But Pettersson and Findus think that they shouldn't shoot him straight away - a good scare will do. But will what they come up with really scare the fox away?

Suitable for ages 4 and up

Tickets from €12 at the theater box office 089-59 54 54 or at München Ticket

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Tickets for 12, 15, 16 and 17 €


Münchner Theater für Kinder Dachauer Straße 46 80335 München


Münchner Theater für Kinder München