Once upon a time, there was a place where pirates met mighty dragons, medieval minstrels played, merchants offered their wares in a magically lit forest and all kinds of fantastic figures strolled around a lake with a floating bridge in the light of thousands of torches and fires. Hearty specialties from distant lands and even more distant times caressed the palate and thirsty throats feasted on an almost incalculable number of hot fruit and honey wines. A fairy tale? No. Fantastic? Definitely!
This fantastic place can be experienced again this winter in Dortmund's Fredenbaumpark. But what's even more fantastic is that the PLWM (short for "Phantastischer Lichterweihnachtsmarkt") is longer this year than ever before. After opening on November 23, 2023, the extensive park will be transformed into a mystical winter wonderland until January 7, 2024.
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