How are queerness and climate justice connected? This workshop is about understanding and demonstrating connections. We want to discuss what levers there are for queer climate justice and then get to know utopian thinking ourselves in a dream journey.
ENG: How are queerness and climate justice connected? This workshop is about understanding and demonstrating connections. We want to discuss possible tools for queer climate justice and experience utopian thinking through a dream journey.
This event is part of the project THE STATE OF BORDERS - ÜBERQUERUNGEN, curated by Anna Karpenko and organized in cooperation with Space Transformer e.V., funded by the Cultural Office of the City of Leipzig.
The workshop is part of the project THE STATE OF BORDERS - ÜBERQUERUNGEN, curated by Anna Karpenko and organized in cooperation with Space Transformer e.V., funded by Kulturamt der Stadt Leipzig.
Keine Vorkenntnisse oder Material nötig/
No previous knowledge or material necessary.
Anmeldung bis/registration by 16.10.2024 an