In the organizer's words:


In a technological, urban world full of stimuli, how is it possible to maintain a connection with other species that share our immediate environment? Following on from the (re) (02) Biennale in Geneva, the "Beyond Water" edition has evolved into a nomadic version in Kiel, showing the work of 31 artists in two museums and in public spaces.

This edition highlights the diversity of urban ecosystems and the richness of contemporary art production with an ecological focus. It explores the artistic potential of using scientific knowledge to draw attention to, imagine, listen to and visualize living forms. Thanks to the works of the selected artists and local initiatives, the Kiel Fjord and the parks become a landscape of creativity, reflection and participation.

At 20 stations along a circular route linking the Stadtgalerie Kiel and the Zoological Museum Kiel, the exhibition reflects the richness of artistic production in relation to ecology. This journey will continue in both museums, where more than 100 works of art will be on display until November 24, 2024. The Stadtgalerie Kiel serves as the central location of the project, showing existing and new works by 21 international artists such as Raul Walch, Zheng Bo and Som Supaparinya, while the Zoological Museum is a place of exchange between art and science, where the works of Andreas Greiner and Mark Dion interact playfully with the collection.


The Biennale for Urban Art and Nature pursues the ambitious goal of making contemporary art accessible to all and making access to art more democratic. In addition to the diverse artistic program, the Biennale offers a range of interactive events and resources that enable a deeper engagement with the works on display. The education program acts as a bridge between audience and artists, creating a vivid, easy-to-understand approach to the world of contemporary art, while inviting visitors to make a personal and conscious connection to nature. Visitors will have the unique opportunity to penetrate the artistic concepts, discover the techniques used and explore different perspectives that enrich the works of the Beyond Water edition of the (re) Biennale. Whether you are an art novice or a seasoned art lover, the educational program serves as an inspiring guide that enables an in-depth experience in direct relationship with nature.

Essential companions to enrich your visit

At the Stadtgalerie Kiel or at our Reconnecting-Bike you will receive your Biennale Pass, which gives you free access to all venues and events of the Biennale. Culture and the preservation of biodiversity deserve strong public and private support. Recognizing that everyone's financial means are different, we have introduced a flexible donation system. You decide for yourself how much the project is worth to you and donate according to your means. In this way, you can play an active role in shaping the future of our commitment. This pass contains several printed materials to guide you through your visit to the various exhibitions at the Biennale. Firstly, there is the Urban Guide, which gives you an overview of the different locations and all the events. There is also a map that guides you through Kiel's city center along the Art and Nature Trail. On this path you will find 21 art instructions, on the back of which you will find a biography of the artists as well as a puzzle. You can enter the answers to these riddles in your Reconnection certificate. Once you have solved all the puzzles, you can return to the Stadtgalerie and receive a print of one of the instructions as a prize.

Tour of Kiel

The art and nature trail presents a selection of artworks and new productions by artists, combined with information and puzzles about biodiversity. This path connects the two museums. The art instructions created by 22 artists enable direct interaction with the public.

The events

The Biennale offers a diverse program of art, science and nature, including workshops and walks dealing with topics such as underwater worlds, biodiversity and sustainable urban design, as well as events created in collaboration with art students from Kiel. Highlights include interactive workshops for young and old, sometimes even with the artists themselves, artistic diving and snorkeling experiences as well as sound and film evenings that invite visitors to join in and discover, but also to celebrate. Discover the exciting combination of art and nature in Kiel and experience how science and art together open up new perspectives on our environment, even in our everyday lives!

The Reconnection bike

The N55 collective has designed a cargo bike to complement the exhibition as a mobile library. It will be stationed in the Forum of the Stadtgalerie, always ready to provide visitors with information (maps of the exhibition locations, walking routes and customized explanations for different target groups). On 2 to 3 days per week, it will drive through the streets of Kiel with two members of the exhibition team, close to places where artistic educational works are exhibited. During this time, the drivers will provide information about the exhibition, but also offer an oasis of calm to interested readers of renowned books on sustainability and the future.

This content has been machine translated.


Kiel, sowohl in der Stadtgalerie, im ZoologischenMuseum, als auch im öffentlichen Raum! Kiel

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