Performers: Josh Lucas, Rachael Taylor, Noah Taylor...
"Red Dog" is not a conventional animal film, but rather a warm-hearted portrait of a man's world characterized by hard work, loneliness and a longing for security
The stray dog Red Dog is not exactly a beauty with his piercing yellow eyes, pointed snout and reddish-brown fur. But his stubbornness and loyalty made him a legend in the industrial town of Dampier in Western Australia in the early 1970s. Miners from all over the world were drawn there to mine iron ore for Hamersley Iron and earn good money in the process. After working hard during the day, the men meet in the only pub in this wasteland to drink, gamble and let out their anger in brawls. The adventurers have forgotten that a soft heart lies beneath their rough exterior. Until Red Dog turns up. To him, who is "there for everyone, but for no one in particular", they can suddenly share their longings, their sorrows, their wishes and dreams. Red Dog listens, gives comfort, is a "matchmaker" and a lifesaver. In gratitude, the stray dog is even accepted into the miners' union. And then Red Dog also loses his heart: to John, an American bus driver, who has to give up his life at the moment when he has found the love of his life and finally wants to settle down.
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