PHOTO: © Monsterpics

Robert Alan | Cologne Comedy Festival

In the organizer's words:

Pervekt - Robert Alan is writing a new program, CCF is in Cologne & there's still a free room in the shared flat... a perfect match! We're really looking forward to the Cologne premiere of this energetic, musical, original multi-talent & stray

Robert Alan was born in a bouncy castle. His mother is the big bang. His father is deaf. Robert Alan always wanted to be a comedian. Long before he could speak, he told his first jokes... but nobody understood them back then. Today, Robert Alan is a good-looking, extremely funny, incredibly charming, modest entertainer who is not a fan of superlatives and has long since stopped writing his own press releases. I simply don't have the time for that! Let yourself be enchanted by his predator-like dance moves, accompanied by snappy beats and a chocolate-covered voice. In short: Spend an evening with Robert Alan on his tour and become a better person!

After "Streuner", Robert is now on the run through Germany with his new program "Pervekt". He asks himself whether the harsh criticism of our education system is justified or whether it is just part of the good tone of the permanently ironic latte bohemia. And whether all the cramming and bong smoking was for nothing. And why female mannequins from sportswear stores always have stiff nipples and convertible drivers have bad taste in music. And then he also dances - like a young fawn.

Robert Alan sees himself as the "modern entertainer" of a generation that lost the Bologna Process despite having a watertight alibi and now amuses itself to death on social media platforms. On the other hand, he thinks he's just a charlatan looking for the truth in broccoli. After completing his studies, Robert Alan rode a Segway along the Camino de Santiago, licked hallucinogenic toads in the desert, performed fertility dances with East Prussian shamans and conducted ancient Chinese tea ceremonies in the ICE's on-board bistro. Only to come to the realization that, despite all the wonders this life has in store for us, nothing is better than making people laugh - for money - in a sold-out theater. So come around, you weirdos.

This content has been machine translated.


Die Wohngemeinschaft Richard-Wagner-Straße 39 50674 Köln

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