"Slaughterhouse 5 or The Children's Crusade" by American author Kurt Vonnegut is a collage, satire, biography, science fiction and a cult book. The fringe ensemble presents the story of Billy Pilgrim, who has fallen out of time, in a form that transports all the leaps and genres of this work. Five performers throw themselves into the maelstrom of the long past and what awaits us in the distant future and want to achieve what the novel does - "that people are moved, entertained and experience a passionate appeal for peace and against all forms of war", says director Frank Heuel.
"Listen up: Billy Pilgrim has freed himself from the passage of time." This is how the story begins, in which Billy Pilgrim drifts through all the phases and episodes that are called life in sum. A tragicomic kaleidoscope of madness: what does war do to a person? And how can we live on with the images and memories?
With Justine Hauer, Manuel Klein, Georg Lennarz, Bettina Marugg, Andreas Meidinger
Directed by Frank Heuel
Set design Annika Ley