PHOTO: © Felsenkeller Leipzig


In the organizer's words:

On July 21, the Felsenkeller is hosting a rather unusual event. Between all the rock concerts, hip-hop events and indie shows, there is something special: Julian Wien's unique "Sonntagsgarten" will be a guest at the Felsenkeller. Full of self-irony and unafraid of clichés, Julian Wien presents the music for which he really gives his all: Schlager. Dedicated - this must be mentioned at this point - is still far too weak a word, however. Julian is on fire for Schlager!!! On July 21, he will present numerous young and experienced talents as a presenter and singer in a show that is reminiscent of the TV garden, but differs from it through the charm of the imperfect as well as through self-irony, wit, trashiness and the unrestricted courage to stand up for a cause unconditionally. The "Sonntagsgarten" takes place in the rear area of the beer garden. Free admission. The doors open at 12.00 and the show starts at 13.00.

Before and after the Sunday Garden, a DJ will provide the atmosphere. Come in good time if you want to secure a place. There are also plenty of places at bar tables.

Free admission

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Felsenkeller Biergarten Karl-Heine-Straße 32 04229 Leipzig

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