In the organizer's words:

Life sciences, and with them biotechnology, are on everyone's lips: whether on the topics of climate protection, personalized medicine or novel food - life sciences are changing our lives in all areas. Every day.

Do you want to found a startup? Are you already a founder? Or are you just curious and want to get to know the life sciences and life better? Then come and meet innovative start-ups and find out more about their projects and visions. Get to know founders and proven experts in the industry. Take the opportunity to make new contacts for your professional future. And immerse yourself in the world of life sciences.

Our event offers a varied program with a large exhibition area, lectures, discussions and startup pitches. In the short best-practices impulses, experienced founders will talk about financing, marketing and networking. Founders from the life sciences will each pitch their company in five minutes. And for those who have always wanted to see the inside of a biotechnology laboratory: our companies in the Life Science Center offer guided tours to places where not everyone is allowed to go.

Cooperation partners:
Life Science Center Düsseldorf - Ditec GmbH
BIO.NRW The Home of Biotech
Düsseldorf Economic Development Corporation
IHK Düsseldorf


Life sciences, and with them biotechnology, are what everyone is talking about: whether it's climate protection, personalized medicine or novel food - life sciences are impacting our lives in all areas. Every day.

Do you want to found a startup? Are you already a founder? Or are you just curious and want to get to know life sciences and through them life better? Then come and meet innovative startups and find out more about their projects and visions. Get to know founders and proven experts in the industry. Take the opportunity to make new contacts for your professional future. And immerse yourself in the world of life sciences.

Our event offers a varied program with a large exhibition area, lectures, discussions and startup pitches. In short impulses regarding best-practices, experienced founders will talk about financing, marketing and networking. Founders from the life sciences will each pitch their company in five minutes. And for those who have always wanted to see the inside of a biotechnology laboratory: our companies in the Life Science Center offer guided tours to places that you normally cannot visit.

Cooperation partners:
Life Science Center Düsseldorf - Ditec GmbH
BIO.NRW The Home of Biotech
Düsseldorf's Department of Economic Development
Düsseldorf's Chamber of Industry and Commerce

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

3,00 €


LifeScience Center Düsseldorf Merowingerplatz 1a 40225 Düsseldorf

Organizer | Event Series

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