PHOTO: © Christian Wolf

Stories from the Ghanaian Coast

In the organizer's words:

Stories told by locals on the Ghanaian coast are often about fishing, processing and selling fish. No wonder, as fish is the main source of food for large parts of the population and traditional fishing is the livelihood of around ten percent of the people who live here. For a long time, the Ghanaian coast was one of the richest in fish in Africa. However, the country now has to import the protein-rich food from abroad - for its own population, who can hardly afford the high prices, if at all.
The lives of Ghana's local fishermen have become precarious. In addition to overfishing by international companies, the consequences of environmental pollution and the climate crisis are threatening their livelihoods. Storm surges and rising sea levels are destroying their living and working space.

"Stories from the Ghanaian Coast" lets the indigenous fishermen and their families have their say. In the fishermen's songs, which they sing during their work, especially when hauling in the nets, they talk about their current situation, their life on and from the sea. The premiere with Ghanaian fishermen and artists will take place in Cape Coast in November.

For "Stories from the Ghanaian Coast" in Bonn, the fringe ensemble is developing a lecture performance with German and Ghanaian artists based on the edited material from Cape Coast.

Director: Frank Heuel
Set, video, costumes: Annika Ley
Camera: Bismark Larbi Ofori
With: Charity Collin, David Fischer and a Ghanaian musician

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

9,00 € reduced 17,00 € normal price 23,00 Soli-Ticket


Theater im Ballsaal Frongasse 9 53121 Bonn


Theater im Ballsaal / Rausgegangen Bonn

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