Complete ecstasy, extreme states: the ancient drama surrounding Elektra tears open abysses. But the shock is of great sublimity. Richard Strauss has composed the appropriate music for it: terribly beautiful, of staggering sensuality.
With bold harmonies and late Romantic gestures, Richard Strauss shaped this family tragedy - from the title heroine's thirst for revenge to its terrible fulfillment. Electra's father has been slain by her mother and her mother's lover. Now her brother Orest returns and murders the murderers. Elektra dances and collapses in triumph. Iréne Theorin in the leading role and Violeta Urmana as Clytemnestra guarantee a gripping mother-daughter duel. Two opera world stars as guests in Cologne!
Price information:
€ 79,- | 68,- | 57,- | 43,- | 32,-