PHOTO: © (c) Lina Lapelyte, Study of Slope, Lafayette Anticipations, Paris, 2022, Photo by Marc Domage


In the organizer's words:

Lithuanian music theater director Lina Lapelyte, who received the Golden Lion at the Venice Biennale for her work SUN AND SEA, is returning to Stuttgart. To kick off the season, she is developing a choral work with Stuttgart residents who have one thing in common: Namely, that they can't sing and still love doing it. And not just anywhere, but in the former department store in Eberhardstraße. This site-specific, music-theatrical intervention is a meditation on the question of what we consider beautiful, what is considered valuable and who is heard. Here, polyphony is sung about and the deviation from any kind of standardization.

The text is based on the novel LIVING IN A LAND by Sean Ashton, which mainly consists of things that the narrator has never done, no longer does or will never do. A study of the conceivable and the actual, the personal and the universal, idiocy and logic, black and white, circles and squares, utopias and realities, renting and buying.

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Price information:

You have the choice of paying more or less for a theater ticket or coming more often. Decide on one of four optional prices. Choose according to your current means. The free choice of price allows you to visit the theater regardless of your financial situation.