PHOTO: © Pixabay


In the organizer's words:

Rose lives a secluded life. She rarely lets anyone get close to her. But this young man, who invents a poem for her, is different. And so the two of them plunge into a night full of longing, dreams and hurt. They try to free themselves from their loneliness, attract and repel each other again and again. But how does life go on when this night is over? And how well can you really get to know a person in one night?

A poetic, comedic and touching urban fairy tale about isolation, secrets and great love.

We opened THEATER DAS ZIMMER with this production in October 2014. For our 10th anniversary, we are now showing this play in a new production.

With Tobias Schaller and Anke Bautzmann

Director: Lars Ceglecki

Stage design: Nicole Bettinger

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Price information:

Reduced tickets (19.00 euros) are only available for schoolchildren, students, severely disabled people and people over 65.


Theater das Zimmer Washingtonallee 42 22111 Hamburg