We have already celebrated many great parties with you, but the "Tanz in den Mai" McFly excesses have always been a special highlight in our diary. Unforgettable nights that have given us some of the worst hangovers.
So together with Mo-Torres, our McFly DJ crew, let's transform the huge Sartory halls in the heart of Cologne into the biggest 90s & 2000s neon party palace in Germany on several areas and dance until the sweat drips from the ceiling.
In addition to some Dance into May special surprises, our XXL confetti cannon, mega laser, candy & co. will of course be at the start again. Get ready for the best dance into May party in Cologne 😉
► 30.04.24 - PRE-HOLIDAY !
► Sartory Säle (Friesenstrasse 44-48, Cologne)
► Admission with ticket from 10.30 pm
► Very Early Bird Ticket : 23,90€ (+VK-fee)
► Early Bird Ticket: 26,90€ (+ booking fee)
► Regular ticket: 29,90€ (+ booking fee)
Box Office l. Notice board
► Faster admission with ticket
+ MORE.....
We recommend to use the VVK for a safe & faster admission ! All tickets will be refunded if the event is canceled, remain valid or can be converted into vouchers if desired.
Ticket Info:
Very Early Bird Ticket = The first 100 tickets
Early Bird Tickets = Ticket 100 - 200
Regular tickets = All remaining tickets
You can view our BEST OF photo album here:
Follow us for more pictures on Instagram:
Price information:
Tickets from 23,90€