PHOTO: © Emma Ben Aziza_© Cécile Cayon

The Conflictive and Contradictory

In the organizer's words:

On 1 August, ifa-Galerie Stuttgart opens the group exhibition The Conflictive and Contradictory, in which five young artists from colonial contexts explore the conflicts or bridges that arise when different realities collide.
From their preoccupation with the connection between past, present and future, which interact with each other, the artists have decided to reclaim a "contradictory and contradictory diversity" in order to challenge the universalizing and hegemonic view that had historically designed their realities. They refer to the term "abigarrado", which goes back to the Aymara sociologist and activist Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, and the resulting works show diverse, dynamic and exciting perspectives. In an ongoing exploration, they open up the narrative strands of history and reconnect them, following the assumption that contradictory truths can emerge from the clash of contradictions. The Conflictive and Contradictory is an invitation to a deeper understanding of a changing world.

Curatorial team: Oulimata Gueye, Bettina Korintenberg, Gabriel Rossell Santillán, Thomas Charil with the artists

A collaboration with the international artist-in-residence program Post-diplôme Art 2023-2024 at the École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Lyon (Ensba Lyon)

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ifa-Galerie Stuttgart Charlottenplatz 17 70173 Stuttgart