PHOTO: © TheaterLaien e. V.

Theateraufführung: Musiktheater: Dracula – Das Grusical

In the organizer's words:

Theater performance: Musical theater: Dracula - The Grusical


Dr. Sewart's insane asylum has its hands full. A new case has just been brought in: The shy Mr. Renfield has been babbling nonsense since yesterday and eats flies - although he is actually a vegetarian! What's more, the uptight nurse Lucy has apparently become a lecherous nymphomaniac overnight - and she's a member of the morality club! All the clues lead to the dilapidated castle of Count Dracula, a foreign nobleman who has been living in Huntington for some time. Nobody suspects that he is a vampire. Gradually, the vampires begin to "help themselves" to the population. When the famous vampire hunter Van Helsing arrives, it is almost too late ...

Experience a bizarre musical horror comedy full of rousing music and black humor. Catchy tunes are guaranteed! Published by CANTUS Verlag.

Over 50 participants are involved in this major project: the TheaterLaien ensemble is supported by the Borbeck grammar school orchestra, a specially formed project choir and guest performers from the Borbeck girls' grammar school. The project is funded by the district council and the City of Essen's Department of Culture.

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Advance booking 12.00 euros, or 8.00 euros (reduced) Box Office 13.00 euros or 9.00 euros (reduced)


Aula Grashof Gymnasium Essen Bredeney Grashofstraße 55-58 45133 Essen

Organizer | Management

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