Alcoholic Gin, former drag queen Hana and runaway Miyuki live on the streets of Tokyo, scavenging for garbage in the upmarket district of Shinjuku. On Christmas Eve, they find an abandoned baby girl behind garbage bags on one of these forays. They set off in search of the parents, in the course of which they are repeatedly confronted with their own past.
Masterful animated film adaptation of Peter B. Kyne's story "Three Godfathers", which combines the familiar elements of the Christmas story with action, depth and unrestrained kitsch. The criticism of an egotistical society expressed in the process gains additional radicalism in this mixture.
"Tokyo Godfathers" is a humanistic masterpiece by legendary director Satoshi Kon (Paprika, Perfect Blue) and a story about hope and redemption in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles - heartbreaking, hilarious and highly original. (Kon, JP 2003 - FSK 12 - OmdU)
More information:
YouTube trailer:
We are showing the film in the original language in Japanese with German subtitles.
We are showing the film as part of our curated series Im Kreise der Familie. The year is fast approaching the so-called celebration of family. But what is family? Our films in December revolve around constellations beyond mother, father and child. Whether in found or self-chosen families, in the rejection or absence of biological ones - it becomes clear from various perspectives that the concept of family can and should be thought of more broadly than a lifelong connection dictated by blood relations. After all, the birthday boy on December 24th already had several fathers.
Price information:
4 Euro = no coal ticket 7 Euro = normal price, financing for "no coal" ticket