At an elite boarding school, pupils Reiting, Beineberg and Törless witness Basini stealing money out of financial need. Instead of reporting this crime, Reiting and Beineberg decide to abuse Basini as a test subject from then on. They enjoy their powerful position and become perpetrators. They blackmail, humiliate and abuse Basini in a variety of ways. A disconcertingly pleasurable game develops between adolescent young people in search of sexual experiences and moral orientation in an authoritarian society. Unnoticed by the teachers, a parallel world full of secrets develops between the four pupils involved. And as Basini's psychological and physical humiliations increase, Törless also becomes more and more involved in the events ... Robert Musil's debut novel from 1906 tells of the adolescent testing of mechanisms of violence, the pleasurable discovery of the self and the exploration of intellectual, aesthetic and moral learning and sadistic instincts. As if in a germ cell, the later development towards fascism can already be glimpsed.
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