PHOTO: © Wim Wenders Stiftung

Traumfabrik #27 - WIM WENDERS 1967-2023: Kurzfilmprogramm: Auswahl 1967-1992

In the organizer's words:

Short & sweet: New discoveries on the big screen. We show:

- Same Player Shoots Again. HFF Munich 1967. experimental film, 2K Dig. restoration. 12 min.

- Silver City Revisited. Munich 1968. documentary, 2K dig. restoration, 25 min.

- 3 American LPs. Munich 1969, experimental film. 2K Dig. restor. 21 min.

- Alabama (2000 Light Years). HFF Munich 1968/69. 4K Dig. rest. 12 min.

- Reverse Angle. New York 1982. diary film. 2K Dig. restoration, 17 min.

- Arisha, the Bear and the Stone Ring. D/Japan 1992, 35mm, 29 min.
With Hanns Zischler, Werner Schroeter, Peter Handke, Rüdiger Vogler and others.

A selection of rarely seen short experimental and documentary films from the early and middle phases of his career, digitally restored under the supervision of Wim Wenders in 2015.

116 minutes

This content has been machine translated.


Filmtheater Schauburg Karlsruhe Marienstraße 16 76137 Karlsruhe

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