PHOTO: © Von Andreas Wolf 01 - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 4.0,

TRILOGIE HIER 2 #„Wendegeschichten: Riesa“

In the organizer's words:

How do the experiences of the reunification period continue to have an effect - and how valuable can it be to have lived in two systems? These and other questions are addressed in the documentary "Wendegeschichten: Riesa" by Sprungbrett e.V. and the Leipzig filmmaker Michael Schlorke. In the 76-minute documentary, Riesa residents and other East Germans describe their everyday worries during the reunification, talk about resistance to the Treuhand policy and growing up as a "post-reunification child" - in Riesa, a town on the Elbe that has changed rapidly since 1990 and not always for the better. (Schlorke, D 2024)

Followed by an audience discussion with the director Michael Schlorke, Kathrin Schanze (Equal Opportunities Officer of the City of Riesa), Martin Tritschler (Sprungbrett e.V.) and Johannes Gersten (Treibhaus e.V.).

More information:

The AG Kino is showing the film as part of its curated trilogy HERE about regional history in transition. East Leipzig, Leipzig and the East. What shapes the places where we live? In September, three films will shine the projector's light on cinematic forms of local memory. Documentary time capsules tell - in very different styles - of open-cast mining, reunification and gentrification, of displacement, upheaval and new beginnings in and around Leipzig. How do we deal with the region's history and memory HERE and today?

This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Tickets: 4 euros = no money ticket 7 euros = ticket for everyone who can afford cinema for 7 euros & funding for the "no money" ticket


Ost-Passage Theater Konradstr. 27 04315 Leipzig

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