Special on World Water Day - "Drinking water: human right or commodity?" with introduction and panel discussion, in cooperation with a tip: tap e. V.
The most powerful food company Nestlé is becoming dangerous: it has discovered how to make money from the most natural resource on earth, water, and at the same time make humanity dependent on it. Nestlé is making billions from drinking water. One load of extracted water, which costs the company 10 dollars, generates a whopping 50,000 dollars in profit. The documentary looks behind the slick facade of the company, which sells around 70 brands of water worldwide, and reveals its clever marketing strategy.
It is no coincidence that the film by Zurich TV journalist Res Gehriger and Bern-based film director Urs Schnell won the prestigious Herbert Quandt Media Prize for business journalism. It shows in an investigative and differentiated way the conflicts behind the water trade and the power Nestlé wields by inexorably securing rights to natural water resources worldwide. The fact that the company's management refuses to make any statements on the subject speaks for itself. Stirring and worth seeing.
The debate about the billion-dollar bottled water business is already in full swing. More than 1.2 million German citizens have signed a petition in support of the Europe-wide Right2Water protest campaign against the EU's plans to liberalize the water industry. These signatures will be handed over to the Federal Office of Administration in Cologne in a public campaign to coincide with the cinema release. You can still take part in the Right2Water protest campaign until September 9.