PHOTO: © Zentrum für Erinnerungskultur, Krischer

ÜBERSEeHEN. Auf (post)kolonialer Spurensuche in Duisburg

In the organizer's words:

Overlooked, ignored, suppressed - although some traces of German colonial history are visible, they have long received little attention. This is slowly changing and it is becoming clear that colonial traces can also be found in Duisburg. The exhibition at the Center for Remembrance Culture shows what these traces looked like. Whether stores that sold goods from the colonies or street names that still remind us of the colonial past. The racism rooted in colonialism still has an impact on the economy, politics and society today and affects many Duisburg residents. The exhibition aims to make these traces visible, promote encounters and break down prejudices. It shows how much the colonial past shapes life in Duisburg today.

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Price information:

A visit to the exhibition is included in museum admission. Adults pay €4.50, concessions €2. Children and young people from 7 to 18 years, students, trainees, recipients of Hartz IV, ALG 2 are entitled to a discount. Free admission for children under 7 years. Every Thursday "Pay what you want - Zahle was du willst".


Kultur- und Stadthistorisches Museum Duisburg Johannes-Corputius-Platz 1 47051 Duisburg

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