PHOTO: © Maximiliansstrand

unshot movieS, improvised electronic groove & lounge music: Gert Wilden jr & Andy Lutter

In the organizer's words:

Soundtrack for head cinema

In the current electro project of the two keyboarders Wilden/Lutter, sound images, atmospheres, grooves and musical moods play the main role for soundtracks that become movies themselves, whose images arise spontaneously in the mind.
The source of inspiration is the fun of improvising and spontaneous composing with a common spirit from many years of collaboration during numerous joint musical activities on stage and in studios.

Gert Wilden (composer mainly for film, jazz musician, keyboardist)
Andy Lutter (composer, songwriter, jazz musician, keyboardist)

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Maximilians Strand Lenbachplatz 3 80333 München

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