PHOTO: © Teresa Grundei


In the organizer's words:

Performance double bill

With this double bill, we present two current works by young choreographers who deal in a very individual way with a sensual perception of the body beyond its seemingly concrete forms and fixed descriptions. The interaction of movement and live sound plays a central role in both pieces.

Vasiliki Bara: inside human

In her solo performance "inside human", dancer and choreographer Vasiliki Bara searches for identity in a world characterized by confusion and fragmented realities. Who are we really and which self do we present to the world?
With the idea that every person carries a creature within them, she forms new bodies on stage that oscillate between human and creaturely forms. Skin melts into skin, the boundaries of the body blur, their forms become fluid and their limbs seem alien. The piece emphasizes the discrepancy between being and appearance: between what we perceive and what is real. It sharpens our view of the great unknown that we ourselves are.
The dance is accompanied by printed images by photographer Teresa Grundei and electro-acoustic sounds by composer Konstantinos Baras.

Premiere: October 10, 2024 at the Schaubühne Lindenfels

Daria Belous: before nature

"We observe nature and nature observes us in return." (John Berger)

According to Belarusian mythology, there is a place called "Vyrai", hidden from living people, where the souls of their ancestors go after death. No human returns from this place, but the birds do. They are the presence of life. The nature of this life remains uncertain, leaving us the boundless freedom to imagine a world of the possible rather than the fixed. We could ask the birds. But how could we ever understand their language?
Accompanied by field recordings and FOLEY sounds, "before nature" is an invitation to connect with the world of the senses and explore the act of being visible.

Vasiliki Bara: inside human

Greek-born dancer and choreographer Vasiliki Bara studied dance studies at the Free University of Berlin. In 2019, she completed her Master's degree with her thesis on the perception of the disabled body in contemporary dance and presented her first own works. In 2023, she choreographed the piece "Lust" for the company of Leipziger Tanztheater, which was performed at Schaubühne Lindenfels and WERK 2. In 2024/25 she is part of the Artist Development Program of LOFFT - DAS THEATER. She was last seen at the Schaubühne as a performer in the production "Das Kafkahaus", directed by René Reinhardt.

Concept, choreography, dance: Vasiliki Bara
Music composition: Konstantinos Baras
Photography, stage: Teresa Grundei
Outside Eye: Daria Belous
Mentoring: Anna Till
Artistic production: Ulrike Melzwig

With many thanks to Senja Brütting and Mandy Unger for their support.

A production by Vasiliki Bara in cooperation with Schaubühne Lindenfels and 4fT - Tanzplattform Leipzig e.V. Supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Leipzig.
Vasiliki Bara is part of the Artist Development Program 2024/2025 of LOFFT - DAS THEATER.

Daria Belous: before nature

Daria Belous is a movement and sound artist born in Belarus and based in Berlin. Her interest revolves around the potential of the body to create a myth around itself and thus discover narratives beyond verbal communication. In her work, she addresses fundamental questions by re-mystifying the "everyday" and addressing a sensual self. "before nature" was created in 2023 as the final project of her BA degree in "Dance, Context and Choreography" at the Inter-University Center for Dance Berlin.

Concept and performance: Daria Belous
Sound design and performance: Dolfgren
Mentoring: Sigal Zouk, Diego Agulio, Frauke Havemann, Philipp Gehmacher

A production by Daria Belous in cooperation with HZT - Inter-University Center for Dance Berlin.

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Price information:

Tickets at the Schaubühne, here online and at all Reservix box offices: 15 / 10 (reduced) euros


Schaubühne Lindenfels Karl-Heine-Straße 50 04229 Leipzig

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