In the organizer's words:

A cooperation between KOMMA Esslingen, Pop-Büro Region Stuttgart and Kulturzentrum Dieselstrasse for FLINTA* people. Supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Esslingen.

The event and workshop series VibeScapes X promotes diversity within a still cis-male dominated music industry and aims to offer young FLINTA* people a space and professional guidance to discover and develop themselves musically.
In workshops, we will explore the basics of DJ technology, event technology and the production software Ableton Live, try out our instruments on stage in three open jam sessions, build networks and new friendships, form bands and collectives... and thus make the local music scene more interesting.

Who is taking part?

You can register for free by clicking on the following (underlined) topics:

  • 21.09.24 | 10:30 am - 3 pm: DJing @ KOMMA Kultur Esslingen
    This workshop is about the basics of DJ technology. No previous knowledge is required. Under expert guidance, participants will try out and practise with professional DJ equipment.
  • 19.10.24 | 10:30 am - 3 pm: Event technology @ Kulturzentrum Dieselstrasse Esslingen
    In this workshop you will learn the basics of sound engineering. The technical background will be explained, the setup for a concert will be set up together and the individual steps and components will be explained. This includes an introduction to mixing consoles, microphones, loudspeakers, mixing, monitoring and cabling. The workshop is run by trained sound engineers and is aimed at people who want to play live music as well as learn more about handling sound technology.
  • 24.10.24 | from 18:30: Jam Session 1 @ KOMMA Kultur Esslingen
    With the support of the two expert event technicians Eva and Lena, the first songs and sketches will be created on an open stage. Only FLINTA* people are invited to join in on the instruments, to help with the sound equipment and as listeners. Bring your instruments and get started.
  • 16.11.24 | 10:30 - 15 h: Ableton Live @ KOMMA Kultur Esslingen
    Ableton Live is currently the most widely used digital music production software. In addition to an introduction to the production software, the workshop will provide practical tips and tricks for producing, recording and mixing. We would like to provide an introduction to music production with Ableton Live and deepen existing knowledge.
  • 21.11.24 | from 18:30: Jam Session 2 @ Kulturzentrum Dieselstrasse Esslingen
    With the support of the two expert event technicians Eva and Lena, the first songs and sketches will be created on an open stage. Only FLINTA* people are invited to join in on the instruments, to help with the sound equipment and as listeners. Bring your instruments and get started.
  • 12.12.24 | from 18:30: Jam Session 3 + Party @ KOMMA Kultur Esslingen
    With the support of the two expert event technicians Eva and Lena, the first songs and sketches will be created on an open stage. Only FLINTA* people are invited to join in on the instruments, to help with the sound equipment and as listeners. Bring your instruments and get started.
    The jam will be followed by the official VibeScapesX with open decks closing party!
This content has been machine translated.

Price information:

Registration required for each appointment.


Kulturzentrum Dieselstrasse Dieselstraße 26 73734 Esslingen am Neckar


Kulturzentrum Dieselstrasse Stuttgart


Pop-Büro Region Stuttgart
Pop-Büro Region Stuttgart Naststraße 11a 70376 Stuttgart