PHOTO: © Rod Long via Unsplash

Villa Kinderbunt - Gelsenkirchener Grundschulen stellen aus

In the organizer's words:

"My city - my favorite place"

For the first time in its history, the Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen is opening its exhibition rooms to Gelsenkirchen's young artists. Schoolchildren from 13 districts accepted the museum's invitation and transformed the Wilhelminian-style villa into the Villa Kinderbunt for 14 weeks. Together as a class, they tinkered, painted, photographed and programmed. From the joint brainstorming to the choice of artistic means to the realization - everything was in the hands of the children. The exhibition revolves around the theme "My city - my favorite place". The works invite you on a journey of discovery through a colorful Gelsenkirchen and reflect the ideas and projections on your own city that are fed by individual experience.

Arousing curiosity and interest in art, sustainably promoting creativity and enthusiasm and, last but not least, actively involving children in the design of the museum are central concerns of the educational work of the Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen.

Villa Kinderbunt is a cooperation between the Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen and the Norten Foundation.

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Kunstmuseum Gelsenkirchen Horster Straße 5 45897 Gelsenkirchen