PHOTO: © Boris Goroncy

Vollblüter nach Cory Finley

In the organizer's words:

Thoroughbreds after Cory Finley

Former sandbox friends Lily and Amanda meet again after years of no contact. They meet in a posh residential area. Even though they are very different, they share Lily's contempt for her horrible stepfather. Lily and Amanda encourage each other in their revenge fantasies. Together they hire the small-time thug Tim to solve their problem.

Stage adaptation of the film of the same name by Cory Finley.

Amanda - Sophie Eichelberg
Lily - Sarah Künne
Tim - Christoph Lewicki

With the voices of:
Carsten Faseler, speaks Mark
Sandra Busch, speaks Lily's mother
Johanna Stiene, speaks woman on the phone

Directed by: Aless Wiesemann
Dramaturgy/Lighting/Sounds: Raphael Batzik

Duration: 85 minutes

This content has been machine translated.


Theater Essen-Süd Germaniastraße 172 45355 Essen

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