The Hansa coking plant in Dortmund-Huckarde attracts visitors of all ages to its fascinating microcosm of rusty steel, dark red bricks and lush industrial nature.
Celebrate and roller skate in a unique and new location! The salt warehouse and salt factory of the Hansa coking plant in Dortmund will be transformed into a glamorous skatejam roller disco and party location for the Warsteiner #musikdurstig Sessions from 02.10. - 06.10.2024!
MusikdurstigSessions are an extension of Warsteiner's music & festival engagements into gastronomy. They promise an unforgettable experience with special DJ performances in an extraordinary location, as well as our delicious, freshly tapped Warsteiner.
Joyce Muniz, Larse, Phil Fuldner, Ingo Sänger
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