In the organizer's words:

ssen connects people across national borders. We want to bake baklava together in different parts of Leipzig and get to know each other. Baklava is a popular pastry and is eaten in many countries. We invite everyone to bring their baklava recipes or to learn how to bake baklava on site. The final event will take place on 27.09. in the Rabet, where the best three baklavas will be selected.

An event in cooperation with the Leipzig Welcome Center (Department for Migration and Integration) and the YMCA - Christian Association of Young People.

It takes place as part of the Intercultural Weeks Leipzig (23.08. - 29.09.2024).

This content has been machine translated.


CVJM-Haus Leipzig-Schönfeld Schönefelder Allee 23A 04347 Leipzig

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