O what is man that he may complain about himself! These are the woes of a young crypto-boi who has got to grips with the latest gimmicks of hyper-capitalism and gets caught up in the Ponzi scheme.
Werther used to be obsessed with Lotte, now he is obsessed with virtual currencies. On stage, three people perform the tragic trajectory of stereotypical masculinities that are still regularly
are still regularly flushed through our Instagram feed. The Werthers think they know how to make the right deal. Yes, hard to believe, but it's that simple! Life is short, you just have to be worth it... They have to become richer than their dads, otherwise they've failed at life. Sure, but there's a lot of money at stake, maybe even a livelihood. Lotte yawns on the sidelines, she's bored. What is she supposed to do here again?
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