PHOTO: © Pressebild

Wilhelm Schmid "Den Tod überleben"

In the organizer's words:

Surviving death, how does that work? This is the immediate challenge for anyone who has to come to terms with the departure of a loved one. He or she goes through phases that are helpful to know.

However, a popular method of surviving death is not to talk about it. It is no longer taboo, but for many people it is simply not an issue: "Nobody likes to talk about it." Is it okay not to think about the end? Nothing speaks against simply leading a happy life, says Wilhelm Schmid in his new book. However, a hint from the end is a good incentive. Death is the gateway to life so that we can live it to the full within its limits. And what comes after that? With this old question,

question that has preoccupied people for as long as they can remember: Where does the person who dies go? To another life? Is there really a life after death? How would that be conceivable? Is reincarnation conceivable? Can the mere possibility of it be a consolation?

"Wilhelm Schmid reflects on what comes after life. With sensitivity and depth." Spiegel bestseller

"Schmid not only has the gift of putting great meaning into small sentences. Schmid also has wit. His subject is serious - but his tone is almost cheerful, relaxed." DER SPIEGEL

"This is probably his most important work. This short general introduction to thinking about death is definitely a very personal book of consolation." Augsburger Allgemeine

Wilhelm Schmid, born in 1953 in Bavarian Swabia, lives as a freelance philosopher in Berlin. He taught philosophy as an adjunct professor at the University of Erfurt until he reached retirement age. For a time, he was a guest lecturer in Riga/Latvia and Tbilisi/Georgia, as well as a philosophical chaplain at a hospital near Zurich/Switzerland. In 2012, he was awarded the German Meckatzer Philosophy Prize for special services to the teaching of philosophy, and in 2013 the Swiss Egnér Prize for his work on the art of living. He has lectured extensively at home and abroad on the topics of his books, which are also available in numerous translations.

His books on rocking (2023), self-friendship (2018), serenity (2014) and happiness (2007), all published by Insel Verlag, Berlin, have enjoyed great success

This content has been machine translated.


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