PHOTO: © wisecräcker


In the organizer's words:

It's Hanover, it's 1996, Helmut Kohl is chancellor, telephones are generally connected to the cable

and Wisecräcker play their first show! There are five of them, it's more punk than ska,

at least the saxophone is already there. But somehow that's not it yet. Trombone and trumpet

are added. Now it fits! That's how a record can be recorded, they think, and

released the "de puta madre" EP on their own at the beginning of 1999. And it goes ahead! With the

six tracks in their luggage, they played a number of headlining shows, a complete tour with Bad

Manners and a tour of California. California in general: The Spanish lyrics are

well received. A German skapunk band that sings in English and Spanish? "You absolutely have to

come to Mexico!". But first make a new record. Even "I'd rather be down with

the..." is recorded and marketed independently in 2001. Then it's off to California

in September. To be precise, on September 11, 2001......and the tour takes place! A first time

is played together with Los Kung-Fu Monkeys from Tijuana. That fits! With them you could

through Mexico with them! At home, everything becomes more professional, suddenly there's a label, a booking

booking agency and more tours. And a new record. Para mi gente" was released in 2003.

Wisecräcker toured all corners of the European continent for two years. A move to

Stockholm in 2005. Even 1000 km as the crow flies between band and singer cannot

prevent "El Presidente" from being recorded and released on the band's own label Übersee-records.

label. In addition to touring in Europe, the band finally started touring the

American continent. In 2007, thanks to Los Kung-Fu Monkeys, almost three weeks of concerts

weeks of concerts in Mexico, followed by California in 2008.

And another new record: After many weeks of studio work, "The Pact" is released in 2010 on

Overseas Records. A release tour is also planned for several weeks in the USA and Mexico.

Homeland Security had something against it. The band was denied entry, their passports were

passports are gone and the trouble is great. Instead, they went to Russia and Spain.

The USA wound only healed when they were able to return in 2012 with a great deal of bureaucratic effort.

can come back. Since then, the tours start in Mexico. Sorry, USA.

The band's sound continues to evolve over the years, whether live or on recordings.

From crossover punk with saxophone, it became more and more independent skapunk, characterized by

four horns, three languages, a lot of steam and the aim of making legs dance in front of the stages of this world.

the world to dance.

Kohl and Telefonkabel are long gone, but Wisecräcker are more than ever at the

start. After almost 800 shows in 14 countries, 7 records and countless kilometers of touring

the seven gentlemen have used the pandemic years to record 11 new songs. At the beginning of 2023

these will be released as "Vida en color".

In Wisecräcker, Alex plays saxophone and sings, Bela plays trumpet, Andi and Gerrit play trombone

play trombone, Hannes drums, Frank plays six thin strings and Henrik four thick strings.

Wisecräcker doesn't like Nazis and is generally in favor of looking out for and caring for each other.

each other.

The Wisecräcker records at a glance:

 puta madre (EP, 1998)

 I'd Rather Be Down With The... (2000, Jaded Music/2002, Elmo)

 Para mi Gente (2003, Elmo)

 El Presidente (2005, Übersee Records)

 The Pact (2010, Übersee Records)

 15 Years / 15 Años (2012, Übersee Records)

 Modo de Odio (EP, 2015, Tonetoaster Records)

 20 Years - 20 Songs (2016, Magic Mile Music)

 Vida en color (2023, Bakraufarfita Records)




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