PHOTO: © Bilker Bunker gGmbH

Workshop für Kinder und Jugendliche: Digitale Medien treffen Kunst – verstehen, reflektieren, gestalten

In the organizer's words:

Workshop for children and young people: Digital media meets art - understanding, reflecting, creating

Whether print media, broadcasting or digital networks - it is impossible to imagine everyday life in the 21st century without these information and communication channels. Media play a decisive role in our understanding of reality, shaping our thoughts, world views and political opinions. But what types of media are there and what role do they play in democratic processes? The aim of the workshop is to make children and young people aware of the role of media and to enable them to deal with media content critically and responsibly. The workshop takes place in the exhibition area of the Bilker Bunker in a practical and art-related setting.

Two experts in media education from WDR will accompany the workshop.

The workshop is aimed at children and young people aged 10 and over and is free of charge.
The meeting point is at 11 a.m. at the entrance to the Bilker Bunker.
There are still places available for Wed. 10.07.

The project is supported by "Demokratie leben! Düsseldorf".

This content has been machine translated.


Bilker Bunker Aachener Straße 39 40223 Düsseldorf

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