PHOTO: © Paolo Chiabrando


In the organizer's words:

He is therefore a victim, not a perpetrator. What would Woyzeck be today? A young man in precarious circumstances, with no chance of social advancement. He ekes out a living with odd jobs, ruins his health with dubious medical experiments out of financial necessity, kills time with Andres and has to realize that the only thing that gives his life stability - his relationship with Marie - is falling apart, slipping away from him. This inevitably leads to disaster. But the world around him is also falling apart; Hauptmann and Doctor are well aware that they too can lose their social status at any time, that they are just cogs in the wheel of a society that has become inhuman.

The fragmentary nature of the play is deliberately retained, situations flash up, highlights like video clips, garish, fast and also comically exaggerated.

This content has been machine translated.


Kulturhaus ffm Pfingstweidstraße 2 60316 Frankfurt am Main

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