PHOTO: © Wülfing & Prinz

Wülfing & Prinz - songs und stories

In the organizer's words:

Two who have found each other with groove and lyrics: Christian Bigos represents German-language guitar pop as Rondoprinz, André Wülfing is a narrator, live and sight unseen. Their stories come from the bizarre everyday life and eternal truths, whether it is quite profane about wasting time or hair in soups, or also like to dig deeper into the core of friendship and freedom as well as "The drama of futility" - this is the title of Rondoprinz' latest CD release. Bigo's witty and catchy songs exude spun fantasies from the heart and brain, while Wülfing's stories give away suspense, wisdom and unerring punchlines. Both singers and storytellers move beyond the usual pop clichés, comedy or pettiness - what unites them is the joy of listening. And audiences have been finding this ever since.

This content has been machine translated.


Rabbit Hole Theater Viehofer Platz 19 45127 Essen

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