PHOTO: © OAT München

Zur Sozialpsychologie des Rassismus

In the organizer's words:

The Offene Antifa Treffen München invites you to the lecture: "Zur Sozialpsychologie des Rassismus" by Jakob Hoffmann at the KulturLaden Westend.

The debate about racism has taken on a central role in academic and social discourse, and not just since the protests of the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020. In particular, positions influenced by academic movements such as "critical whiteness", post-colonialism or post-structuralism have found their way into the social mainstream and, instead of a theoretical examination of the social conditions under which racism arises, undermine the prerequisites of emancipatory social criticism by rejecting universalism and materialism.
Against this background, the lecture aims to provide an introduction to a materialistically and psychoanalytically based social psychology of racism that follows on from the early writings of critical theory. The social origins of racist relations of exploitation and domination will first be outlined in order to then develop and criticize the subjective conditions of the ideological justification and reproduction of these. The lecture attempts to answer the following questions: Why is racism or are racisms attractive to people and how does racist resentment work? What connects racism with other ideologies and where are the differences? What forms of action result from this?
Jakob Hoffmann lives and studies in Hamburg. He writes and publishes on topics of materialist social theory and criticism.

The lecture will take place at KulturLaden Westend (Ligsalzstr. 44).

Admission from 20:00. Lecture starts at 20:30.

This content has been machine translated.


Kulturladen Westend Ligsalzstraße 44 80339 München

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