On our pages you will find information about us - the group Hart Backbord from Bremen, about our history (founded in 1978 as "Bremer Shantychor Hart Backbord"), about CDs and lyrics. Here you can listen to "samples" from our CDs, just have a look or order sheet music, lyrics and CDs.
We are constantly expanding our collection of international shanties, fishing songs and seamen's work and leisure songs. In addition to Hart Backbord, we also introduce you to other shanty groups and provide information on maritime events. We also maintain a page with the dates of international maritime festivals. You are also welcome to send us your dates.
In the"history" section you will find a small chronology in addition to the Hart Backbord vita.
Information about us for the press can be found in the press area. Here you will also find a selection of pictures and texts about Hart Backbord for publication.
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