DRAWING ROOM is not a classic white cube, but a gallery hybrid thatallows visitors toengage intensively withcurrent and established artistic positions in a salon-like atmosphere . Inaddition to solo exhibitions ,DRAWING ROOM also hosts thematic and conceptual group exhibitions and projects.
Stern-Wywiol Galerie
GalleryEntkorkte Kunst - Hambu…
Gallerygiraffentoast gallery
GalleryFarbfluss Atelier
Galleryxpon-art gallery
GalleryMarktplatz der Manufakt…
GalleryAffenfaust Galerie
GalleryThe Space
Gallerygiraffentoast Gallery
GalleryAtelier 21 - Art Galler…
GalleryGalerie im Gästezimmer
GalleryBoutique Bizarre
GalleryMathilde Berry - Atelie…
GalleryRaum für Illustration
GalleryPOP UP Raum Grindelallee
GalleryCramer Wohnvilla