Frauen-Treffpunkt e.V. is a contact and advice center by women for women. Women specialists from various psychosocial fields provide advice here. We also offer a variety of groups and open meetings. All women are welcome, regardless of their age, cultural, religious, economic or ethnic background.
Here women can:
Literarischer Salon Han…
OtherMarktkirche Hannover
OtherFreizeitheim Linden
OtherNiedersächsischer Landt…
OtherMusikschule der Landesh…
OtherErlebnispädagogisches Z…
OtherArne Jacobsen Foyer
Otherwasmitherz e.V.
OtherLutherkirche Hannover
OtherBauteilbörse, Glocksee …
OtherDöhrener Turm
OtherLandheim Tellkampfschule
OtherGroßer Garten
OtherLiteraturhaus Hannover
OtherNeues Rathaus
OtherBundespolizeidirektion …
OtherYogacenter Plathnerstra…
OtherDeutsches Taubblindenwe…