House 73 has made everything new!
Since September, everything has been renovated, freshly done and chic.
The new 73 stands for cultural diversity and an offer that spans genres and styles.
Whether you want to party to electronic music in the annex at the weekend (Free admission!), you're up for a stand-up during the week or maybe you want to see a concert
- we have (almost) everything here!
Not only do we have all kinds of different events under one roof, we also have a café on the first floor with fair prices, good coffee, homemade cakes, Portuguese croissants, lots of space, power sockets and breakfast at the weekend from 10am to 1pm!
Open every day from 10 am - 5 pm.
Hamburger Kunsthalle
VenueBucerius Kunst Forum
VenueDeichtorhallen Hamburg …
VenueDeichtorhallen Hamburg …
VenueLandgang Brauerei
VenueJazzHall Hamburg
VenueLogo Hamburg
VenueFreundlich + Kompetent
VenueBirdland Hamburg
VenueKNUST Hamburg
Venuegausz Ottensen / Atelie…
VenuePanik City
VenueMonkeys Music Club
VenueMS Stubnitz