Very close to Ebertplatz, at Sudermanplatz 1, you will find our multifunctional IGLU! The IGLU is a space for all who are committed to an ecologically and socially designed future.
In the IGLU you can store permanently cheap ecofair fashion or exchange worn ecofair fashion for free. You will also find handmade, unique items made from recycled and upcycled materials.
In our mini-supermarket of "The Good Food" you can save food for donation and thus counteract food waste.
An important focus of our work at the IGLU are the various workshops and events. Here, everything revolves around upcycling and DIY and various events on the topic of sustainability take place. We offer organizations and associations a platform to network and at the same time to present themselves to you.
In the workshops we always want to offer incentives to creatively and sustainably save resources and to get to know alternatives.
Furthermore, we would like to raise awareness for the value of materials and thus important resources by offering you the possibility to hand in your old jeans and sheep wool products for recycling.
The IGLU team is looking forward to meeting you.
Newest highlight: Become a member of the IGLU and support us with your contribution to become financially independent! More information about the modalities you can find here:
Our opening hours:
Monday to Friday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Saturday 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
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