In 987 Friedhelm Mennekes founded the Kunst-Station Sankt Peter as a center for contemporary art. Since then, exhibitions of contemporary art, concerts of new music and readings of contemporary literature have been held here.
Especially the newly designed sacred space with its character of emptiness offers manifold opportunities for encounters for the cultural areas of our time, which tend to be autonomous: religion, visual arts, music and literature. In this context, art is not understood as an extension or illustration of religion, but as free and independent.
Independent advisory boards plan the respective activities and guarantee artistic independence. Under these conditions, the three cultural factors achieve practical coexistence in the architectural space of a place of worship and open up selective relationships: new music, contemporary art and literature alongside life-related religion. The Art Station Saint Peter contributes in great openness to an intercultural transfer between church and art.
Works of art, installations and interventions by contemporary artists are continuously on display in the gallery and in the nave. In respectful dialogue with the sacred space, the works unfold an extraordinary depth and intensity.
The character of the new music is initially determined by the two organs with their modern sound. Then it is in a circle of contemporary musicians who regularly meet here for concerts of New Music and present novel compositions to an interested audience.
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