KLuG - Köln leben und gestalten e.V. is a non-profit association that is committed to urban development in Cologne that is geared towards the common good. Our aim is to improve the quality of life and coexistence and to create a socially, ecologically and economically sustainable environment. Our current focus is on the Liebig district between Ehrenfeld and Nippes.
Projects such as Liebig257 create spaces for positive community life and open up ways to shape a fair future together. To this end, Klug e.V. Klug e.V. networks initiatives and associations, creates and uses urban (open) spaces and consciously promotes creative and unconventional solutions.
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IMI winery Körnerstrasse
Volkssternwarte Köln e.…
Spybrain: Escape Room
7th Space Köln
7th Space Langenfeld
Kunsthaus Rhenania
Lutherkirche Südstadt
Thalia Mayersche Köln N…
Tee de Cologne
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Kita Kinderarche
Schauspiel Zentrum Köln
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Jugendherberge Lindlar
Friedenskirche Ehrenfel…
Salon mit Dana Suffrin
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