The Museum of Nature and the Environment offers exciting insights into the natural history of Schleswig-Holstein as well as the habitats and species-rich flora and fauna of the Lübeck region on three floors. There are also changing special exhibitions on various current topics.
The museum offers exciting natural history and natural knowledge. The "big themes" are evolution, ecology and biodiversity - illustrated with great objects and examples from Lübeck and the region.
The Lübeck doctor Johann Julius Walbaum, whose estate formed the basis for the Lübeck Museum of Natural History in 1799, was already interested in understanding nature and communicating it with pleasure. This means that the Museum of Nature and the Environment can look back on the longest museum history of all the museums in Lübeck.
Today, the Natural History Museum offers a wide range of educational activities, lectures, seminars, vacation programs, excursions and events. Museum education is an important focal point of the work - the focus is on the competent communication of natural history knowledge and the invitation to experience nature in a variety of ways!
An Feiertagen 10 -17 Uhr
Geschlossen am: 1.1., 24.12., 25.12. und 31.12.
Geöffnet: Karfreitag, Ostersonntag, Ostermontag, Tag der Arbeit, Christi Himmelfahrt, Pfingstmontag, Tag der Deutschen Einheit, Reformationstag und Zweiter Weihnachtsfeiertag