"The Pantheon in Bonn is one of the best-known cabaret and comedy stages in the German-speaking world and also hosts concerts. It is, for example, the home of the important German satire prize "Prix Pantheon" and the cabaret revue "Pink Punk Pantheon", which is popular far beyond the borders of the Rhineland, as well as the WDR Cabaret Festival. Other program items include comedy theater, a cappella and singer-songwriter concerts, readings, musical theater, science slams, poetry slams and much more. The "stars" as well as the hopeful "newcomers" of the cabaret scene and the local greats of the Rhineland perform here. Founded in 1987, the Pantheon has resided on the grounds of the "Halle Beuel" in the former Schauspielhalle since 2016."
This content has been machine translated.GOP Varieté-Theater Bonn
Kulturwohnzimmer RheinB…
Opernhaus Bonn
Theater im Keller
Theater im Ballsaal
Schauspielhaus Bonn
Junges Theater Bonn
Theater im Ballsaal Bonn
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